Tuesday, April 26, 2016

36" of Terror

           “Just wait until your father gets home!”  I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard those words growing up.  I would be a millionaire.  Funny thing is, my father did come home but not a word was said about my imperfect behavior that took place that day.  You see, back when I grew up, mothers threatened their children throughout the day but when the father walked through the door, it was daddy’s time to relax after a hard day at work. It was also our time to shine as the perfect children.
          I don’t remember what I had done to deserve that threat and I’m pretty sure that whatever I did was at the instigation of my older brother. After all, he was the tormenter and I was the innocent younger sister. Regardless of what I had done to deserve the threat, I was chased throughout the house with “thirty-six inches of terror”. Those inches happen to be a thick yardstick and I have to admit, I was deathly afraid of getting smacked with it.  The smack never came, however, and after several hundred times of being threatened with it, I finally realized it was just a threat. Whenever I see a thick yardstick, I get a smile on my face.

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